Monday, September 28, 2009

Save the Greyhounds

Greyhounds make the most amazing companion dogs one can imagine. They adapt to the 'couch potato' life very quickly and are pretty easy to train. They love having a job, i.e., teach them to do some tricks -- for treats if they are food motivated. Simple sit, down, bow, stand, roll over. Once they get the hang of that, mine bugs me in the evening to do his little repertoire by barking incessantly until I give him the one-on-one he wants. (No, greyhounds do not normally bark very much. But once they learn to manipulate their owners, look out! )


Greyhounds make excellent pet therapy dogs. They enjoy human companionship a lot and do not really need much in the way of training. They do need to be certified a good companion dog but that, too, is easy. Just check with your local hospice group to get the information you might need.